Staying in big city

Why leave a village & Live in a big city


You can find more opportunities in a big city that in a village


You can improve your lifestyle by following people in your neighbourhood where you stay either big city


You can find hospital easily about any disease or any specialist doctor if you stay in a big city


If you want to good education then you need to go to good school or college it is available only in a big city


You can improve your creativity by joining the groups of people where everyone shares their skills to everybody so that everyone can improve our learn some skills to develop themselves make money from it.


More and more jobs are produced in some factories or some kind of businesses or government offices etc. are available in a big city


There’s so many type of places which are build in a big cities where you can enjoy and do Fun related activities were going to there that’s why you need to go in a big city


Everyone or any people can want their kids future will be bright by getting good education or improving their skills are any other perspectives of their lives that’s why more people go to big cities

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